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Root Canals in Madurai

What are available treatment options to manage decayed teeth?

The decayed teeth are treated according to the extent of its damage caused to the teeth. In initial stages, the tooth can be managed by simple restorative procedures, and in later stages when there is extensive damage to the tooth structures, they are treated by a special way of treated known as Root Canal Therapy. Root canal treatment in Madurai helps to restore the form and functions of the tooth in an effective manner.

Is Root Canal Therapy a separate entity?

Yes, mostly it is considered as a separate entity in dentistry and Root canal treatment in Madurai should only be performed by well-trained endodontist. We are proud to say that out Noor dental clinic has a squad of Top Endodontists, and they are readily available to treat patients with the high standards of treatment quality.

How is the procedure of Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal therapy is not completed in a single visit. It is usually carried out in multiple visits and it depends on the presence and extent of infective agents within the root canal and its surrounding periapical area. Firstly, radiographs are taken corresponding to the involved tooth and then the extent of infection is analyzed and treatment protocols are followed accordingly. In case of mild to moderate infections, Root canal treatment is usually completed within 1 or 2 visits and in severe cases, it may extent upto 4 or 5 visits.

What happens if Rct is not done at the appropriate time?

If your doctor advises you to take up the Root Canal treatment, then it should be implement at the earliest. If treatment is not done at the appropriate time then it may lead to further damage to the tooth structure and can also cause rapid spread of infection to the surrounding structures, which might end up in fatal complications like Abscess formation, cellulitis and Ludwig’s angina or space infections.

What materials are used to fill up root canals?

Multiple series of steps are followed in root canal therapy. Firstly, the root canals are cleaned and shaped with the instruments and the canals are thoroughly irrigated with medicaments. Once the root canals are made microbe-free, then the canals are sealed with a biocompatible material called Gutta-Percha, which provides an air-tight and a Hermetic seal.

Is Rct cost-effective?

Root canal treatment is not very expensive, usually the charges are very nominal. The expenses for Rct at our clinic ranges from RS.1000 – Rs.3000/- Is there any alternative treatment option to Rct? If RCT is not opted, then the next possible treatment option for the management of decayed tooth is tooth Extraction followed by an artificial prosthesis to replace the missing tooth. But the expenses may increase if tooth is extracted, which will need a fixed prosthesis after healing, when compared to root canal treatment expenses.

Does all decayed tooth needs RCT?

Not necessarily, all decayed tooth need to be treated by root canal therapy. Depending on the extent of decay process, the tooth are managed. In the initial stages, the decayed part is removed, followed by placing aesthetic restorative materials. Once the decay process reaches the pulp, it may can pain and in these cases, root canal treatment is implemented. If the tooth has root fractures or if the supporting bone is not adequate enough, then extraction of the corresponding tooth is done.

Why crown is indicated after RCT?

The placement of permanent crown is usually indicated after rct, as it strengthens up the weakened tooth structure. The crown acts as a shelter for the tooth and protects it from the heavy masticatory forces and also helps to restore the form and functions of the tooth after root canal treatment. If crown is not given then it may further weaken the tooth structure and it may end up in vertical root fracture of the corresponding tooth and ultimately leading to root canal treatment failure.

Is there any protocols to be followed after rct?

Best Dental Doctor in Madurai have the most elite and advanced equipment’s to enhance the quality provided to each patients. Once Rct is started in a particular tooth, it should be completed properly till the placement of crown. Skipping appointments in-between may end in flare ups, which might prolong the duration of the treatment. If antibiotics are prescribed it should be taken regularly. Routine daily activities can be performed while doing rct. Following proper hygienic measures like flossing, tooth brushing and scaling should be strictly carried out in order to maintain the overall health of the oral cavity.

Can Rct Be Performed by all General Dentist?

Normally, Rct is performed by specialist called Endodontist (ROOT CANAL SPECIALIST) and we proudly say our Noor Dental Clinic is Equipped with full time Endodontist. We have the top Endodontist in Madurai for the convenience of people.